Strip Pouches

Available in unit dose and multi-dose pouches
Each pouch contains the patient name, description of drug, and administration time (many other custom fields are available)
Easy pull-and tear pouches reduce med pass times while eliminating the repetitive strain injury that comes with punching pills from blister cards.
Provides for variable and shorter cycles:
2-2-3 day, 3-4 day, 7 day, 14 day, 30 day, etc.
Punch Cards (Bingo Cards)

Widely used and called by many names such as punch cards, bingo cards, and blister cards.
Available in unit dose and multi-dose blister cards
Comes in Weekly cards (Mon-Sun by administration time) or Monthly cards (by day of month counted forward or backward)
Each card contains a prescription label with all the information needed such as patient name, description of drug, and SIG.
Dispill® Multi-dose

Ideal for patients at home or at facilities where a full time nurse is not needed.
Each pack is color-coded by morning, noon, evening and bedtime doses so you'll always know exactly when to take the medication.
Each blister cell is perforated and detachable so you can tare off what you need providing convenient medication on the go.
A good replacement for traditional pill boxes.
STAT / First Dose Solutions

Depending on the needs of your facility, we provide a variety of STAT and First Dose solutions.
Traditional Emergency Kits can be stocked and check on by a consultant pharmacist.
We also offer the option to install Pyxis™ type machines. These machines give access to a wide variety of medications including controlled substances with PIN and Biometric security features that ensure regulatory compliance.